
My coworker filmed me on Snapchat,unflattering filter without my consent during a shift

I have been working at my job for years and I enjoyed this place (temporarily) until lots of my old coworkers and managers got promoted; their spots filled in quickly. This office quickly transformed into a incredibly cliquey, nepotistic dumpster fire of a shit show where everyone texts each other, about each other and create Tiktok videos in the office. It is amazing how a job’s ambience can change overnight with— what I categorize these people as toxic people. There’s a lot of backstory to this that I don’t have time to fill you in on, but these new coworkers are running this place now and I don’t fit into the clique. I don’t hangout with them outside of work because they frankly don’t like me. That’s okay. It sometimes stings being left out, but it’s peaceful that way. I was humming to the music in the office and I…

I have been working at my job for years and I enjoyed this place (temporarily) until lots of my old coworkers and managers got promoted; their spots filled in quickly. This office quickly transformed into a incredibly cliquey, nepotistic dumpster fire of a shit show where everyone texts each other, about each other and create Tiktok videos in the office. It is amazing how a job’s ambience can change overnight with— what I categorize these people as toxic people. There’s a lot of backstory to this that I don’t have time to fill you in on, but these new coworkers are running this place now and I don’t fit into the clique. I don’t hangout with them outside of work because they frankly don’t like me. That’s okay. It sometimes stings being left out, but it’s peaceful that way.

I was humming to the music in the office and I notice my coworker had this phone slightly pointing up at me while I’m standing up and I quickly sit down. He is showing all the other coworkers a video of me with an unflattering filter stuck on my face looking completely off guard.

Obviously doesn’t show me the video and shares it on group chat.

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