
My coworkers at my current job judge me for doing the bare minimum and I think it’s hysterical

We live in one of the biggest cities, there are jobs everywhere but these coworkers have pigeon holed themselves into one industry and think I’m lazy af and crazy when I say “why are you stressing so much, if you get fired just find something else.” What they don’t know is that I literally just took this job to relax from my previous position which was vice president of a company I was also financially invested in. After working the hardest I’ve ever worked for years at that job, I knew I could coast at the job I’m currently at. They are always stressed about the dumbest things and put in so many extra hours that are just not needed. I do my job well but don’t go the extra mile, it’s funny to think they are working extra hours talking smack about me, meanwhile all my tasks are done…

We live in one of the biggest cities, there are jobs everywhere but these coworkers have pigeon holed themselves into one industry and think I’m lazy af and crazy when I say “why are you stressing so much, if you get fired just find something else.” What they don’t know is that I literally just took this job to relax from my previous position which was vice president of a company I was also financially invested in.

After working the hardest I’ve ever worked for years at that job, I knew I could coast at the job I’m currently at. They are always stressed about the dumbest things and put in so many extra hours that are just not needed.

I do my job well but don’t go the extra mile, it’s funny to think they are working extra hours talking smack about me, meanwhile all my tasks are done and I’m home relaxing.

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