
My dad has cancer and they wanna fire me

Hello, short long story. I work at a cybersec company as a junior, been there for 5 months, first IT job. All they make us do is join useless meet videocalls at ANY possible time of the day to watch our senior do all the work, so we gotta pay attention to our phones in case they decide to make a meet at any given point of the day.  We communicate through our personal cellphones instead of having something more private like a Microsoft teams group, so I receive messages from work all day on my personal cellphone. My dad happened to have cancer, which lead me to have to take care of him a lot lately, sometimes i have to sleep at the hospital and sometimes when he's home i don't have sleep either in case he needs something. I told my supervisor what was going on and why…

Hello, short long story. I work at a cybersec company as a junior, been there for 5 months, first IT job. All they make us do is join useless meet videocalls at ANY possible time of the day to watch our senior do all the work, so we gotta pay attention to our phones in case they decide to make a meet at any given point of the day. 

We communicate through our personal cellphones instead of having something more private like a Microsoft teams group, so I receive messages from work all day on my personal cellphone.

My dad happened to have cancer, which lead me to have to take care of him a lot lately, sometimes i have to sleep at the hospital and sometimes when he's home i don't have sleep either in case he needs something.

I told my supervisor what was going on and why sometimes i couldn't make it to the office ( even tho at the beginning they said the job was remote, they make us go to the office ) and he said it was understood. Now, 4 weeks later, my supervisor came back, calling me on my personal number!! to give me an ultimatum on how they need me to compromise more just because I left a meeting call for 5 minutes because my dad needed something, saying that they are gonna fire me if this keeps going for much longer, even tho im always in time with my tasks and assignments.

I'm doing the bare minimum and i hardly join these meets anymore since a contact offered me a better position in his company at the end of January. I don't know if i should just quit at this point, i hate this people.

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