
My desire to give 2 weeks notice is officially dead

I've been applying for jobs and doing interviews for weeks now, keeping my mouth shut about it because my boss has a habit of telling people not to bother coming back the second they hear that you're actively looking for another job. I don't make a lot, but I absolutely need every penny I earn until the universe takes pity on me and throws me a fucking bone. She refuses to hire an actual manager to run the business, but she also avoids anything to do with the place as much as humanly possible. She's only on site maybe 15 hours a week, and that's a generous estimate. She fully expects us to give more of a shit about her business than she does. We don't have a POS. Accurate record keeping is a distant fantasy, and she has no idea what her profit margins are. Break even point? Never…

I've been applying for jobs and doing interviews for weeks now, keeping my mouth shut about it because my boss has a habit of telling people not to bother coming back the second they hear that you're actively looking for another job. I don't make a lot, but I absolutely need every penny I earn until the universe takes pity on me and throws me a fucking bone.

She refuses to hire an actual manager to run the business, but she also avoids anything to do with the place as much as humanly possible. She's only on site maybe 15 hours a week, and that's a generous estimate. She fully expects us to give more of a shit about her business than she does.

We don't have a POS. Accurate record keeping is a distant fantasy, and she has no idea what her profit
margins are. Break even point? Never heard of it. I tried to explain income tax to her a few years ago and I know she thought I was making shit up.

So, everything is done by hand. Our time sheets are the paper ones that you fill out your hours and drop the sheet back into your labeled section in a 3 ring binder by the register.

Fucking futuristic, no?

Back to the topic at hand. Time sheets. This is the second week in a row that significant amounts of time have vanished without a trace. Last week my sheet was short by 10 hours, and this week is short 8 hours. In the past 4 months I have only had ONE day off each week between they literally can't keep people from dipping out. I wonder why…

So, she knows damn well I worked those hours, and if she had any doubts about that we have security cameras that would clear that shit up in 3 heartbeats or less.

She also has a habit of going over our time sheets and trimming off bits of time on any day when she didn't think we were busy enough to justify the hours we wrote. I usually let that slide. We've had a ton of road closures and construction zones all over the area for months now, and depending which detour I have to take, it's not uncommon to be 5 or 10 minutes late while dodging road crews. I don't expect to be paid for time I didn't work, and I'm not quibbling about that.

What I AM quibbling over is how often she's been cutting back our time on nights where we had to stay past the official closing time. These instances are unavoidable due to policies that she instituted, and it's not like we're all just so. Fucking. STOKED to be trapped in that hellscape for any longer than absolutely necessary.

Case in point. Two days ago we didn't leave until 15 minutes past close. We were not sitting around, we were performing necessary tasks contributing to the running and continued success of the business, but guess what?

Apparently I was having hyper realistic hallucinations of a wall clock in a parallel universe whose time scale is exactly 15 minutes ahead of our own, because the hours on my card were scribbled out and an edited clock out time was in its place.

So. Yeah. I really hope something comes through for me…soon. Because the hot fucking second I get an hour, my glorious golden ass is out that bitch. Expeditiously.

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