
My district manager lied to us in the middle of a business trip to Pittsburg, won’t cover for the hotel. Ongoing. (Already decided to quit)

I work for a sales company (phones and TV) as a team leader. All 12 team leaders in the region were to go to a business meeting in Pittsburg for new training today, learning about the upcoming post-covid policy changes, and to gain information from the regional manager. Two of us don't drive including myself (Car issues), my district manager gave both of us round-trip Greyhound tickets for the meeting. He also made a promise which turned out to be false, saying if things went on for too long and I miss todays bus back, he'll cover for a hotel and I can switch my ticket to 6AM tomorrow. Turns out he's a damn liar, things went on until about 6PM est, and he had already long drove off and left the state after telling me to wait for him in the lobby of the conference room once all this…

I work for a sales company (phones and TV) as a team leader. All 12 team leaders in the region were to go to a business meeting in Pittsburg for new training today, learning about the upcoming post-covid policy changes, and to gain information from the regional manager.

Two of us don't drive including myself (Car issues), my district manager gave both of us round-trip Greyhound tickets for the meeting. He also made a promise which turned out to be false, saying if things went on for too long and I miss todays bus back, he'll cover for a hotel and I can switch my ticket to 6AM tomorrow.

Turns out he's a damn liar, things went on until about 6PM est, and he had already long drove off and left the state after telling me to wait for him in the lobby of the conference room once all this mess was over. I didn't find out until about 6:45PM when I called him and he told me “I forgot“. By then everyone had gone home, the other individual who didn't drive got a ride from another person who I COULD HAVE ALSO gotten a ride from if I didn't listen to my damn District manager and didn't wait in the lobby.

I talked with my Regional manager who hadn't left yet, and told him everything. He told me I was misinformed, we both looked for the cheapest nearby hotel which was $68 for a night, and he said he wouldn't be able to help me. I asked him what was he, as regional manager, going to do about this situation? All he told me was that “sometimes accidents happen” and just left.

It's not easy to tell with text but I'm being very very verrrryyyy nice with how I'm typing this right now because I have a lot of words for my DM, my RM, and the whole company which has been treating me and other staff to be fair, like shit and constantly changing rules and screwing our commissions week after week.

I already have another job prospect lined up, but I wanted to wait until after the background check came back, and leave closer to my new jobs start date, but fuck it. I'm done, how can anyone work at a company that puts them in this type of situation or even allow them to contact you again? I've already blocked all relevant parties numbers. As soon as I find a way out of this situation and return back home I'm quitting, and I'm not even going to call, and it's going to screw up all their plans because they were already understaffed across the board, which is why they had been screwing us. Fuck em.

With that, said, this still puts me in a dilemma. There's no other Greyhounds running today (Put in Pittsburg to D.C.) because of this shit caused by my DM, and the next return I can do is at 6AM tomorrow, so I need a hotel for tonight which is $68, but my RM would not help pay for it despite somewhat admitting that I was misinformed about the whole thing, along with me telling him my DM said he “forgot“, he did nothing to help, so right now I'm stuck in Pittsburg, and it's already past 8:50PM which is very concerning.

The only response I got mentioning all of this + my DM's false promise from my RM was “accidents happen” what an ass. That's proof the whole company and all the leadership is immoral and worthless. I'm sure there's a legal thing I can do about this too later. But first I need to find a way to book a hotel night. Anyone have any ideas?

(Also if any of you know of some…legal aspects to this situation that could be beneficial, that will be very helpful. Fairly certain everything about this situation has law breaking somewhere.)

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