
My former team lead is an asshole

A couple of days ago I had a final meeting with my direct supervisor who is also the team lead. I quit after a series of verbal conflicts with my DS and he handed me my employment termination proposal and said that he discussed with HR and decided to end out contract and good terms, which means that I am entitled to a “severance” equal to one month's salary. A few days later I find out that the company has to pay severance to anyone who is let go. But that asshole had to make it look like like he is doing me a personal favor. Are all managers sociopaths or is it just me?

A couple of days ago I had a final meeting with my direct supervisor who is also the team lead. I quit after a series of verbal conflicts with my DS and he handed me my employment termination proposal and said that he discussed with HR and decided to end out contract and good terms, which means that I am entitled to a “severance” equal to one month's salary.

A few days later I find out that the company has to pay severance to anyone who is let go. But that asshole had to make it look like like he is doing me a personal favor.

Are all managers sociopaths or is it just me?

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