
My girlfriend works herself into oblivion

My Girlfriend works in an independent Bookstore. Now, despite the romantic depictions in several rom-coms and other movie genres, it is absolutely grueling work. We all know retail is hell, but she takes the cake. Yesterday, she did an 11-hour shift. Tonight will be a reading from 8 until midnight. Which she isn't allowed to write the hours down. Tomorrow she will have another 11-hour shift. It violates every work-law in my country. I beg her to refuse, but she won't listen. Because I'm self-employed, she always uses the argument “you can easily talk like that, but you don't have a boss”. Which is true, but only because you are an employee doesn't make you a slave. But alas. I can't do anything except ranting to strangers on the internet. My arguments don't reach her. So there is that. Have a nice evening 🙁

My Girlfriend works in an independent Bookstore. Now, despite the romantic depictions in several rom-coms and other movie genres, it is absolutely grueling work.

We all know retail is hell, but she takes the cake.

Yesterday, she did an 11-hour shift.
Tonight will be a reading from 8 until midnight. Which she isn't allowed to write the hours down.
Tomorrow she will have another 11-hour shift. It violates every work-law in my country.

I beg her to refuse, but she won't listen. Because I'm self-employed, she always uses the argument “you can easily talk like that, but you don't have a boss”. Which is true, but only because you are an employee doesn't make you a slave.

But alas. I can't do anything except ranting to strangers on the internet. My arguments don't reach her.

So there is that. Have a nice evening 🙁

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