
My Husband and the Corporate Oligarchy

My husband is a Field Technician Supervisor for a satellite entertainment installation company that is nationwide with major corporate contracts. One of his techs “jumped” last week-or worked far from home for bonus pay at the request of the company. He was looking forward to the extra $500 to spend on Christmas for his wife and kids. The corporation denied the bonus on a technicality after the tech had completed the work-the area he “jumped” to was never approved for bonus pay. Nothing to do with the tech’s work. My husband, who works 60-80 hours per week for a moderate 40 hour per week salary is sending the bonus the tech would have earned by Cash App to the tech so his family Christmas won’t be impacted. When he first asked me about it, I am embarrassed to say that I had reservations about giving the tech his money. I…

My husband is a Field Technician Supervisor for a satellite entertainment installation company that is nationwide with major corporate contracts. One of his techs “jumped” last week-or worked far from home for bonus pay at the request of the company.

He was looking forward to the extra $500 to spend on Christmas for his wife and kids. The corporation denied the bonus on a technicality after the tech had completed the work-the area he “jumped” to was never approved for bonus pay. Nothing to do with the tech’s work.

My husband, who works 60-80 hours per week for a moderate 40 hour per week salary is sending the bonus the tech would have earned by Cash App to the tech so his family Christmas won’t be impacted.

When he first asked me about it, I am embarrassed to say that I had reservations about giving the tech his money. I let my feelings about his employer’s behaviors get in the way. I was angry about subsidizing a giant, profitable corporation with our hard earned money.

My husband wasn’t ambivalent. He saw clearly that the tech was denied a bonus just before Christmas through no fault of his own and that he would not let that behavior stand.

This is the man I married, and when he stands with this giant corporation acting like a toxic beggar in the background, his character shines all the brighter. I couldn’t be prouder.

Update: I just overheard a call between my husband and his boss where his boss was telling him the company couldn’t “afford” to lose any more techs. You can’t make it up.

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