
My job got new management so I stopped overworking myself

Kind of a crappy title but I couldnt think of anything better. Anyways, I felt like my story would fit here now. TL;DR: My job got new management and the entire resturaunt's structure changed. This has made my mental health shit itself and my new general manager is kind of a dick. Questioning if I need to job surf or if I'm just being a baby. I work at a resturaunt in an area that has thousands of tourists coming in and out year round. For 2.5 years, I've worked at this resturaunt as a Host and ToGo Host, and recently expo and now Head Learning Coach. Management had always been wonderful and even lenient on company rules on dress code, eating, and phone use. As a person who takes meds that fuck with my appetite I really appreciated being able to have a small snack during working hours. Basically,…

Kind of a crappy title but I couldnt think of anything better. Anyways, I felt like my story would fit here now.

TL;DR: My job got new management and the entire resturaunt's structure changed. This has made my mental health shit itself and my new general manager is kind of a dick. Questioning if I need to job surf or if I'm just being a baby.

I work at a resturaunt in an area that has thousands of tourists coming in and out year round. For 2.5 years, I've worked at this resturaunt as a Host and ToGo Host, and recently expo and now Head Learning Coach. Management had always been wonderful and even lenient on company rules on dress code, eating, and phone use. As a person who takes meds that fuck with my appetite I really appreciated being able to have a small snack during working hours. Basically, as long as I did my job and cleaned up before I clocked out I was good. Because of this, I usually did extra side work, helped out the servers, and even ran food when I had nothing else going on.

I chose to be Head Learning Coach because I respected my managers. They were kind, accomidating, and overall decent people. Recently, though, new management took over. At first I was fine with it, I never assume the worst due to my chronic anxiety, but for the past week or two everything changed so drastically its actually caused me to have anxiety attacks and panic attacks regularly. My new general manager has basically changed the entire resturaunt's structure without letting any of us know. Every day I come in and theres something new that none of us were told of beforehand.

Basically, everyone is pissed. Im pissed also, because i have to shorten my hours due to the no eating during working hours rule being enforced now. My medication would basically fuck me over if I worked during the morning here. I understand that this rule has been around since before I was hired, but I really appreciated my previous management team being considerate of us as well. Im also no longer allowed to help the bar by making nonalcoholic drinks togo for my orders, which is also annoying since management always gives the bar half the resturaunt, the bar, AND the hightops so the bartender is basically set up for failure every night.

Im trying to see the bright side of things but I feel heavily unappreciated since new management took over. So a few days ago, I started doing the minimum required and I honestly feel way less anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed. I just do what is expected and nothing more and go home.

As I was writing this I attended a meeting with all the managers which includes me due to my position. The general manager is confusing because he will say stuff that makes sense and then turn around and say he will implement a performance based scheduling system if reviews arent improving. This means we all get fucked if we happen to have one too many negative reviews. Or him saying that if we arent productive enough that means we're lazy. What if all our tasks are done? Or him saying eating is a “reward”? This job is sucking the soul out of me. Or maybe im overdramatic and entitled? Im not sure which one anymore tbh.

My girlfriend says I should start job searching just in case but I'm not even sure it's that big of a deal.

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