
My job I loved is disappointing me

Title says it all… I recently started employment with a veterinarian clinic from a lower income region so it was easy to get in as a vet assistant. Its been amazing and I feel like the people I work with I really enjoy talking and being around minus one or two people. Even management is okay, my boss is super sweet. But today my heart sank because I knew that vision was shattered. Our schedules, to my knowledge; are whatever days say we are working. Thats how its always worked, thats how it is. I don’t have an on call type of job bc as a full time college student that sounds like chaos. So I let them know for winter semester I need Mon, Tues, Wed off. They said this was fine and what day did I start. The schedule was made way in advance for this month so…

Title says it all… I recently started employment with a veterinarian clinic from a lower income region so it was easy to get in as a vet assistant. Its been amazing and I feel like the people I work with I really enjoy talking and being around minus one or two people. Even management is okay, my boss is super sweet.

But today my heart sank because I knew that vision was shattered. Our schedules, to my knowledge; are whatever days say we are working. Thats how its always worked, thats how it is. I don’t have an on call type of job bc as a full time college student that sounds like chaos. So I let them know for winter semester I need Mon, Tues, Wed off. They said this was fine and what day did I start. The schedule was made way in advance for this month so at the time I said Jan 9th. They didnt put me on schedule until around Jan 5th. So I was shocked when today I got a million phone calls and texts asking for me to come in. I checked the schedule freaking out that maybe I slept in and somehow it was Thursday but nope its Monday.

I explained Im off today and that I had some before school errands and a zoom call for a sustainability club meeting Im co president of. My boss passive aggressively sent a long text explaining two girls out of 7 are out and the only one not there was me. She said it was in the job description but I do not see it anywhere. She also asked why I needed today off if school starts the 9th but I dont think that’s professional either. They can’t force me to work a day I specifically said I need off right.? That feels illegal…

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