
My job is making me depressed, should i quit?

i’ve been working in this company for one year now and I have absolutely hated my life since. I wake up every morning with depression and anxiety. The moment I walk into the building my heart feels heavy. The only good thing about this job is the pay which is double of average pay where I live. Now my circumstances are: I do not NEED the amount of money that I’m making, I live with my parents and I’ve already bought the things a lady my age probably has not (a car, an apartment for investment). I would not mind getting half of what I’m getting now as long as I know this stress is also going to be half of the stress I am having now as well. I don’t know how I can get out of this situation and decide for myself as I can’t really know the…

i’ve been working in this company for one year now and I have absolutely hated my life since. I wake up every morning with depression and anxiety. The moment I walk into the building my heart feels heavy.
The only good thing about this job is the pay which is double of average pay where I live.
Now my circumstances are: I do not NEED the amount of money that I’m making, I live with my parents and I’ve already bought the things a lady my age probably has not (a car, an apartment for investment).

I would not mind getting half of what I’m getting now as long as I know this stress is also going to be half of the stress I am having now as well.

I don’t know how I can get out of this situation and decide for myself as I can’t really know the answer to that unless I quit this job and get accepted somewhere else which would be irreversible.

I feel like I need some motivation to quit. Is there anyone out there that is comfortable with their job And does not get depressed with the thought of having to go to work?

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