
My job is paying me 1$/hr more than my contract…

I signed on at one rate, received my first check, and my pay rate is a dollar more. I know that you can be forced to pay back overpayments, so I mentioned this to the HR lady that does payroll. She said “well, this stays between you me and your trainer”, (he was sitting with me), “I won’t tell! If they catch it later I’ll let them know that you informed me and I simply forgot to look into it” Is this gonna come back to bite me in the ass? Should I go to my supervisor and inform him? Do I just take the free raise? If she says she will take the blame, am I still subject to paying back the overpayment?

I signed on at one rate, received my first check, and my pay rate is a dollar more. I know that you can be forced to pay back overpayments, so I mentioned this to the HR lady that does payroll. She said “well, this stays between you me and your trainer”, (he was sitting with me), “I won’t tell! If they catch it later I’ll let them know that you informed me and I simply forgot to look into it”

Is this gonna come back to bite me in the ass? Should I go to my supervisor and inform him? Do I just take the free raise? If she says she will take the blame, am I still subject to paying back the overpayment?

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