
My job makes me feel indifferent

I’ve been at my job now for a year n half. It is honestly the longest job I’ve ever had Some background, I’m 29 and I’ve job hoped A LOT. I worked a lot in automotive, commercial warehouses and delivery driving. Major asshole ran industries that don’t care for employees. I’d hop jobs about every 7-9 months. The work would be unbearable (examples being underpaid, no breaks given even though they took it out of my paychecks, favoritism, sometimes not paid overtime etc) I busted my ass to get out of warehouses and landed myself a corporate desk job. I enjoy finally working indoors and in the AC, but my current job is draining me. I’m a customer service representative it’s not a bad job, I don’t deal with the general public, I only work with customers who bought our equipment and there purchasers. However before i started there was…

I’ve been at my job now for a year n half. It is honestly the longest job I’ve ever had

Some background, I’m 29 and I’ve job hoped A LOT. I worked a lot in automotive, commercial warehouses and delivery driving. Major asshole ran industries that don’t care for employees. I’d hop jobs about every 7-9 months. The work would be unbearable (examples being underpaid, no breaks given even though they took it out of my paychecks, favoritism, sometimes not paid overtime etc)

I busted my ass to get out of warehouses and landed myself a corporate desk job. I enjoy finally working indoors and in the AC, but my current job is draining me. I’m a customer service representative it’s not a bad job, I don’t deal with the general public, I only work with customers who bought our equipment and there purchasers. However before i started there was a team of 3-4 reps, now sense I started it’s only been 2. Just me and 1 other person.

Progressively things have gotten worse, we are the only ones who can answer the phone (the office people all told me they can’t “commit to answering the phone) this has left me to forward the phone to my cell and answer it when I’m on lunch, I’m the drive thru lane or answer it when I’m at the doctors office (yes I fielded work calls while I was sick at the doctors office) I’ve address this issue so much but no one cares. I gave up on it

They are now moving us to push inside sales. New websites, applications and data to follow and update. We also have to follow up and update a host of excels now on services. Everything is stock piling up and now they added they we have to program parts and repair equipment now too. I’m struggling to balance everything in a 9hr day (we get an hour lunch but I end up eating and working at the same time as I have no free time) I fight hard to not work over 9hrs but it’s killing me when I dread to hard to see the overwhelming amount of work for the next day.

The other rep is the head of procrastinating. He’s been there 7 years and is a management favorite, he doesn’t help with the our customers a lot and spends an average 3 hours a day pooping. He is notorious for calling in at least once a week. Earlier this year he worked 4 days for a whole month. I don’t know how he got away with that leaving me by myself the whole time.

I want to go into a technical role, like IT (I’m working on trying to get my A+ I know it’s not much this day in age but gotta start somewhere. Goal is to work up to my CCNA and some Microsoft certs. I know tech well and programming but I have a GED and no college or anything so nothing to put on paper) but this is the first office job I’ve ever had and I get to work from home twice a week. I have an interview Wednesday for a primarily work from home job in the finance industry. I hate that I’m being driven to this when I’ve voiced concern multiple times. Im so burnt out nowadays I nap and do nothing at home as I’m so tired and unmotivated

Here’s to Wednesday. Thanks for listening

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