
My job’s location closed down, got offered to relocate to another location but manager was going to slash my pay plus more

I was a “manager” at a store in a mall 2 months back, and by manager it was a position I got forced into. I was in a super bad spot financially, close to the streets and needed anything. An acquaintance, who was the previous manager, offered me a position since I was so bad off. I agreed but told her it was only temporary, until I could find something else. A month and a half goes by and I’m still not finding anything that’ll hire, even though I have, in my opinion at least, a really solid resume. After a month and a half of me working there, she quit due to really poor mental health. 2 of her employees quit that same day once she left, and the Co-Manager then turned Manager, told me during her shift she couldn’t do this. I was left stranded, so I called…

I was a “manager” at a store in a mall 2 months back, and by manager it was a position I got forced into.

I was in a super bad spot financially, close to the streets and needed anything. An acquaintance, who was the previous manager, offered me a position since I was so bad off. I agreed but told her it was only temporary, until I could find something else. A month and a half goes by and I’m still not finding anything that’ll hire, even though I have, in my opinion at least, a really solid resume.

After a month and a half of me working there, she quit due to really poor mental health. 2 of her employees quit that same day once she left, and the Co-Manager then turned Manager, told me during her shift she couldn’t do this. I was left stranded, so I called around in HR and got the district manager out to the District Manager to the location.

He basically promoted me on the spot to assistant manager, and all I had for employees was 2 high school students, neither able to be key holders and one couldn’t work weekends and was 2 weeks new with it being her first job. I was stuck working quite literally open to close practically by myself, in a job I never intended to stick with.

After 2 weeks of begging for help, since, I wasn’t trained in any way for the manager position, including interviewing people since “they’d take care of it” he provided me a manager (assistant manager from another location) who did nothing.

The mall I worked at was super slow foot traffic wise, so there was a lot of down time, but she’d constantly wander off into the back to go on her phone, which, we all did out on the sale floor, read a book, whatever all without communication.

A month goes by, and out of no where, even though I wasn’t surrised, the district manager shows up and informs us that the location is closing in 2 weeks.

I stick through to help out with closing it down and packing it all up, and he told me he wanted me to transfer out to the order location, and that I’d be a co-manager.

Well, the manager of that location “does things differently around here” and wouldn’t have me on as a co, my hours would of but cut in half and my pay by over 1/3rd, and she expected me to want to work for her.

I finally get hired into a job a month ago, full time yet inspections kept failing and it’s been a month since I got hired on before today being our first day. I find out, I was lied to and it isn’t full time, only part time.

I had to wait a full month, and I’m not even getting the hours promised to me, a lot of the job is going to be standing around doing nothing because I was idiot who is working in the same mall with lower foot traffic, I’ve been forced into management positions twice where I was treated poorly.(job prior to original job I was also forced into management, where I was treated poorly to the point I nearly took my life)

I’m just so tired of allowing myself to be treated this way by the dumbest cooperates who don’t know how to run their damn jobs.

Is 21 too early to retire?

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