
My last day of work is tomorrow and this spare remote for our highway billboard is sitting on my desk

My boss is so fuckin weird. I'm doing such a huge variety of bullshit at this job, which is precisely why I'm quitting. I made another post about this job a while back. Had this job for 8 years. The owner is bringing in his kids to take over management roles while I continue to do management type duties. I really want others to quit as well, but oh well. My boss hasn't even announced I'm quitting yet and told me to keep it secret. My last day is tomorrow and I did the proper 2 weeks notice BS, etc. In the middle of training a girl today to do some of my duties I asked her if she knew I was quitting and to my surprise she didn't, and no one else does either. Not sure what the fuck is wrong with my boss, but he obviously forgot how…

My boss is so fuckin weird. I'm doing such a huge variety of bullshit at this job, which is precisely why I'm quitting. I made another post about this job a while back. Had this job for 8 years. The owner is bringing in his kids to take over management roles while I continue to do management type duties. I really want others to quit as well, but oh well.

My boss hasn't even announced I'm quitting yet and told me to keep it secret. My last day is tomorrow and I did the proper 2 weeks notice BS, etc. In the middle of training a girl today to do some of my duties I asked her if she knew I was quitting and to my surprise she didn't, and no one else does either. Not sure what the fuck is wrong with my boss, but he obviously forgot how much I do here and is in a panic trying to figure things out that he forgot to tell anyone lmfao. This girl almost cried when I told her.

So I know it's probably really dumb to take this spare remote to our LED billboard out by the highway, but wouldn't it be hilarious? I just want to make the sign say “We love Cum” or something LGBTQ+ friendly since it's for a construction materials manufacturer and we're in a deep red state. Haha, I can only dream.

Edit: The only drawback if I took it, is I would have to physically go up to the billboard to program in a new message. It's a pretty huge billboard, like 20 feet wide on the LED part lol. And of course it would be stealing, which is why I probably wouldn't do it.. But maybe one of you could persuade me to do it lmao.

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