
My Manager is Playing Favorites

So a little backstory, I started working at my current serving job in March and all seemed well and good. Some people would complain about favoritism but honestly I just brushed it off thinking it was just the usual restaurant heresy you encounter when first starting. I usually get 4-5 shifts per week (mostly closing and opening), but have only been getting 3 if that, for the past 3 weeks or so. I was talking to one of my coworkers, who had like 6 shifts scheduled next week, and begged her for one of her shifts. She released it and I picked it up right there in front of her, then we both went to one of the managers and told her about it and she said she would accept it. But then our second manager texted the first telling her to give the shift to someone else. No explanation…

So a little backstory, I started working at my current serving job in March and all seemed well and good. Some people would complain about favoritism but honestly I just brushed it off thinking it was just the usual restaurant heresy you encounter when first starting. I usually get 4-5 shifts per week (mostly closing and opening), but have only been getting 3 if that, for the past 3 weeks or so.

I was talking to one of my coworkers, who had like 6 shifts scheduled next week, and begged her for one of her shifts. She released it and I picked it up right there in front of her, then we both went to one of the managers and told her about it and she said she would accept it.
But then our second manager texted the first telling her to give the shift to someone else. No explanation as to why or acknowledgment of our prior agreement or anything. And this isn’t the first time he’s done this, there are multiple people he’s stolen shifts from to give to specific people.

The only reason I even know about the text is because my first manager showed it to me, because she’s tired of her employees getting mad her for not getting their shifts. She asked me and a few other people if we would talk to our GM about our other managers blatant favoritism, and they all agreed.

The thing is though is that I’m the last new hire, and I’m worried that if I speak up about it then the 3 shifts I am getting is going to be 0.

If anyone has any advice on how to broach this with my GM that would be great.

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