
My manager said the quiet part out loud

I live in the midwest and a week ago we had a crazy blizzard. Since I work at a hotel I asked my manager if I could stay in a room if the weather didn't let up (freezing rain and whiteout conditions on and off). He gave a long winded explanation that went something like this: “Really, an employee staying in a room serves the purpose of making sure they can get to work tomorrow. Such as, if you have to be here in the morning, you won't get stuck on your way in. If you're working later tomorrow, it's better to just make your way home slowly because that's not really why we want to give out free rooms and the roads will be plowed by then.” I drive a corolla and get out at 11pm when plows trucks aren't running regularly. Same with help if I ended up…

I live in the midwest and a week ago we had a crazy blizzard. Since I work at a hotel I asked my manager if I could stay in a room if the weather didn't let up (freezing rain and whiteout conditions on and off). He gave a long winded explanation that went something like this:

“Really, an employee staying in a room serves the purpose of making sure they can get to work tomorrow. Such as, if you have to be here in the morning, you won't get stuck on your way in. If you're working later tomorrow, it's better to just make your way home slowly because that's not really why we want to give out free rooms and the roads will be plowed by then.”

I drive a corolla and get out at 11pm when plows trucks aren't running regularly. Same with help if I ended up needing it. He seemed like he was telling me to go home but I said okay, got it, thanks… and stayed the night anyway. The sad part is I genuinely don't even think he registered what was coming out of his mouth, basically admitting “we don't care if you risk your life once your shift is done, even if it takes you an hour to get home, so long as you can get here on time tomorrow!”

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