
My mom tried to kill herself

Today, I seen one of the strongest people I know, try to kill herself via overdosing and cutting her wrist. She admitted it was due to pressure for being behind on bills, not being able to find a place (we have to move because increase in rent, and the landlord keeps badmouthing us) and she only makes $300/wk but rent alone is $900. It hit me, when I had to explain what happen to the emergency department, that she really tried to kill herself. I would never expect someone like her to do that, and she was SO happy last night with friends and family but I guess it was her final goodbye. I’ve been trying to find a job since April, but no luck even with fast food. I feel guilty because I would have never resigned at my last job regardless of the stress, if I knew this…

Today, I seen one of the strongest people I know, try to kill herself via overdosing and cutting her wrist. She admitted it was due to pressure for being behind on bills, not being able to find a place (we have to move because increase in rent, and the landlord keeps badmouthing us) and she only makes $300/wk but rent alone is $900.

It hit me, when I had to explain what happen to the emergency department, that she really tried to kill herself. I would never expect someone like her to do that, and she was SO happy last night with friends and family but I guess it was her final goodbye.

I’ve been trying to find a job since April, but no luck even with fast food. I feel guilty because I would have never resigned at my last job regardless of the stress, if I knew this would happen. I tried to even reapply there again a few weeks ago, because I left on good terms (or so I thought) and the hiring manager personally emailed me the following day that she appreciated the application but there weren’t any positions available (yet the specific store was hiring for the hours and position I applied for)

I may be homeless and parentless by next month and I’m honestly trying to keep my composure

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