
My new manager is cutting hours for a raise

Hey y’all, I just need to rant. I am so upset. Story time: I am a 24 yo f who has been working for this company for about 7 months now. I am a part-time worker (about 30 hours a week originally) bc I am also a struggling author (lol) When I first was hired, I had a different job that I ended up leaving, and when I told my boss about this, they expressed how happy they were to give me more hours. And so was I—I just graduated, so my university insurance has run out so the extra money would be extremely helpful. I had also gotten an opportunity with Wattpad for my books so this also meant that I’d have an income while still being able to focus much of my time on my writing. And then the new manager was hired. Immediately he started changing everything.…

Hey y’all, I just need to rant. I am so upset. Story time: I am a 24 yo f who has been working for this company for about 7 months now. I am a part-time worker (about 30 hours a week originally) bc I am also a struggling author (lol) When I first was hired, I had a different job that I ended up leaving, and when I told my boss about this, they expressed how happy they were to give me more hours. And so was I—I just graduated, so my university insurance has run out so the extra money would be extremely helpful. I had also gotten an opportunity with Wattpad for my books so this also meant that I’d have an income while still being able to focus much of my time on my writing. And then the new manager was hired. Immediately he started changing everything. I work at a “community” centre except we charge the public use of the facility. The manager begin demanding people work more with less tools and so many other things. Here’s a list:
-there will be only one cleaner on shift at a time so cleaners focus more on cleaning and less on “socializing”
-the facility workers/mechanics will no longer have their own office to avoid sitting and doing nothing
-on your lunch you must break in the break room and you are not to leave the work premise, however you must take a lunch as it’s not paid so it will be deduced regardless
-if you need time off, you can no longer just find a cover but go through the new manager who will decide if you can have the time off and who will cover
-you will arrive 10 mins early for your shift to look over all the folders on rules and regulations but clock in at your start time
And so on. Then came the big kicker: everyone’s shifts were cut by 4 hours and two weeks later, everyone’s shifts were cut. And we found out why: the higher ups told him that if he does a “good job” they’ll give him a raise. So he’s “saving budget costs” that’s really just fucking is over so he gets a raise. Not to mention he always brings his kids to work (which they’re adorable) and is constantly yelling at them to be quiet and even once hit his daughter bc she dropped an ice cream on the floor. So there’s my rant lol. I’m afraid to find a new job because if I do I’ll have to give up on my books and I just can’t do that. I had one just come out on Amazon and if I give up while I’ve just started I know it’ll be the end.

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