
My office manager always throws the biggest parties for herself

Everyone gets a party for their birthday in my office (about 30 employees) but depending on how close you are with the office manager, determines how much effort is put forth. If they're someone she hangs out with outside of work, they get a custom cake, get posted on the company's social media pages, etc. Sometimes people get recognized on their employment anniversaries and get balloons, some get forgotten about. The favoritism is very apparent. Well it's my office manager's birthday today (she's turning 28) and apparently everyone in the office tomorrow is dressing “old” to “make her feel young again.” It seems like I'm one of the only one's in the office who thinks this is cringey af, but I haven't voiced my opinions about it, so who knows. Their rational is, since she's the manager and “does so much for everyone” she should have the biggest parties. This…

Everyone gets a party for their birthday in my office (about 30 employees) but depending on how close you are with the office manager, determines how much effort is put forth. If they're someone she hangs out with outside of work, they get a custom cake, get posted on the company's social media pages, etc. Sometimes people get recognized on their employment anniversaries and get balloons, some get forgotten about. The favoritism is very apparent.

Well it's my office manager's birthday today (she's turning 28) and apparently everyone in the office tomorrow is dressing “old” to “make her feel young again.”

It seems like I'm one of the only one's in the office who thinks this is cringey af, but I haven't voiced my opinions about it, so who knows.

Their rational is, since she's the manager and “does so much for everyone” she should have the biggest parties. This is also the same manager who goes around and asks for money for our office's doctor for his birthday…sort of under the impression this should be opposite?

I hate it here.

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