
My old boss missed *two* paychecks, tells workers “I hope everyone has been financially responsible.”

(Edit: to be clear, I haven't worked there in ~7 months, and this happened after I left. This is just what I'm hearing from ex-coworkers who are still there or quit very recently.) I posted a couple weeks ago how the company I used to work for missed payroll. Well, two weeks passed, and another payroll was missed. During the meeting when he announced it, he dropped that fucking line. “I hope everyone is financially responsible.” As if not having enough savings to miss an entire month of pay is a moral failing on his employees' part. Fuck you asshole. Your company ran out of money, who the fuck are you to talk about financially responsible? A couple people I knew there have quit, a couple more have gotten laid off. I don't know why anyone is still working there. The boss is saying non-stop how there's an investor coming…

(Edit: to be clear, I haven't worked there in ~7 months, and this happened after I left. This is just what I'm hearing from ex-coworkers who are still there or quit very recently.)

I posted a couple weeks ago how the company I used to work for missed payroll. Well, two weeks passed, and another payroll was missed. During the meeting when he announced it, he dropped that fucking line. “I hope everyone is financially responsible.” As if not having enough savings to miss an entire month of pay is a moral failing on his employees' part.

Fuck you asshole. Your company ran out of money, who the fuck are you to talk about financially responsible?

A couple people I knew there have quit, a couple more have gotten laid off. I don't know why anyone is still working there. The boss is saying non-stop how there's an investor coming in any day now.

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