
My own post, looking for advice or just support.

I posted this on the ADHD subreddit but wanted to try here as well. I (23) work in theatre in the wardrobe dpt. I have a degree in costume (just graduated) and know what I'm doing. My current job is just doing laundry for a show, and my shift is 4 hours every day. This 4 hours is supposed to include washing, ironing, and sorting all of the laundry, as well as completing any repairs on costumes that need doing. I've been doing this specific job for about a week now and I just cannot wrap my head around how I'm supposed to fit all of that into just four hours. I'm going as fast as I can go without making mistakes, but my manager has been getting visibly more and more angry with me. I've tried coming in earlier to get everything done, and said multiple times that I'm…

I posted this on the ADHD subreddit but wanted to try here as well. I (23) work in theatre in the wardrobe dpt. I have a degree in costume (just graduated) and know what I'm doing. My current job is just doing laundry for a show, and my shift is 4 hours every day. This 4 hours is supposed to include washing, ironing, and sorting all of the laundry, as well as completing any repairs on costumes that need doing. I've been doing this specific job for about a week now and I just cannot wrap my head around how I'm supposed to fit all of that into just four hours. I'm going as fast as I can go without making mistakes, but my manager has been getting visibly more and more angry with me.

I've tried coming in earlier to get everything done, and said multiple times that I'm happy to come in early to get the work done in time but both managers have straight up refused for some reason, saying I MUST get done in 4 hours and shouldn't need more time than that.

I didn't tell my employers that I have ADD when I started the job, which is not a mistake I'll be making again, trust me. I finally brought it up to my manager the other day after she lost her temper with me for not having everything done quickly enough, bc I didn't want her to think I was lazy by being slow. The next day she was nice to me. Now today she comes in, I've got 90% of the washing done and we have decent time before the actors have to actually start putting things on. She makes more comments about how I'm being way too slow etc etc. So I said to her “I don't understand how I can go any faster than my current speed, bc this is as fast as I can go” and she went off on me again just repeating that it was making her job harder and that I should just figure it out on my own, and that its just laundry its “so simple”.

Things were tense/silent after that. Later on, like 20 minutes later she walks in and talks more calmly, that she knows I have ADD, but I need to find a way to work faster…which I just didn't know how to respond to bc I don't think I can force myself to be faster? And if anyone has advice on how to work faster please tell me bc maybe there is a way to work faster. She went on about how my slowness is making her work more stressful but I'm at a loss bc I physically cannot go any faster than I am. I just don't know what to do. I'm going to start coming in an hour earlier despite what they've said, because I'm not being yelled at every day, but that's all I can think of.

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