
My personal experience.

I’ve worked for my employer for almost 6 years now and have done almost every sales position in the company and consistently been a top performer. During Covid they shut down to a curbside model like many places and furloughed most of the staff. This was rough being one of the few survivors, averaging 25-30000 steps a day in the Florida heat during summer. Fast forward to stores reopening and we were doing record breaking in store sales, but without the staff having been brought back. We went from having on average 30 employees plus leaders to about 10 including leaders, but busier than we have ever been. I ended up moving up the ranks, landed a 100% commission based premium sales position on the company and started killing it. I was making probably close to $150k/yr based strictly on my performance. However in true fashion, in the name of…

I’ve worked for my employer for almost 6 years now and have done almost every sales position in the company and consistently been a top performer.
During Covid they shut down to a curbside model like many places and furloughed most of the staff. This was rough being one of the few survivors, averaging 25-30000 steps a day in the Florida heat during summer.
Fast forward to stores reopening and we were doing record breaking in store sales, but without the staff having been brought back. We went from having on average 30 employees plus leaders to about 10 including leaders, but busier than we have ever been.
I ended up moving up the ranks, landed a 100% commission based premium sales position on the company and started killing it. I was making probably close to $150k/yr based strictly on my performance.
However in true fashion, in the name of budget cuts, my company cut my division, rolled me back into the store, reduced my responsibilities marginally and gave me a new target pay of 45-50k/yr with vendor incentives.
I was obviously pissed but didn’t feel like I had anywhere else to go at the time.
With the work ethic I had, I drastically outperformed company expectations and was able get close to the 80k range again through vendor incentives.

This is where things start to really get worse.
The company saw what I (and I would assume others) was doing and figured it was a good opportunity to start pocketing the vendor incentives instead to get us closer to our target pay (keep in mind we are still bringing in record breaking revenue).
I have a family to feed and mortgage payments ect that I could no longer afford, so when the opportunity arose, I went for and got a promotion to a role with a 75k target pay (still half of what I was originally making, but now doing the same job with a different title).
Ive been doing this job for 6 months now.
In that time, they have cut everyone in m role to 32 hours a week, increased my appointment load by 50%, almost doubled my sales goals, and have basically told me to sell products and services that I am physically incapable of selling based on my job code.
Additionally there is talk of them laying off about half of us nationwide by the end of the month.

I’m so incredibly burnt out, and for the first time in my professional career I feel like I am incapable of doing my job. I have anxiety attacks almost every day.
I have a job offer that I accepted, but I have no real ETA on when I will get my background check done.
The new job pays 30k less than I make now, and I don’t know if I can physically afford it, but I just can’t keep working for this company in this environment.

Not sure why I am sharing this other than to just get it off my chest.
I used to love my employer. I thought I had a real career there for awhile, and within 2 years, I am literally willing to jeopardize my financial stability to get out.

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