
My retired cousin tried to tell me secrets to making good money, longevity….

I was talking with my long retired cousin today and mentioned I just took a new job as an field engineer for a medical device company. I said I used to be a med tech but that the pay wasn't enough to barely live on. He told me the secret to making good money is longevity and sticking with a job. I told him that has never been true in my working experience, I'm 35 and have been working since I was 17. I explained to him that sticking with one job doesn't lead to good money when every year they give raises that are less than the rate of inflation no matter how well you preform. To which he blamed the democrats. Funny how that been going on my whole life no matter which party controls the government. Its almost like both are parties are just shilling for the…

I was talking with my long retired cousin today and mentioned I just took a new job as an field engineer for a medical device company. I said I used to be a med tech but that the pay wasn't enough to barely live on. He told me the secret to making good money is longevity and sticking with a job. I told him that has never been true in my working experience, I'm 35 and have been working since I was 17. I explained to him that sticking with one job doesn't lead to good money when every year they give raises that are less than the rate of inflation no matter how well you preform. To which he blamed the democrats. Funny how that been going on my whole life no matter which party controls the government. Its almost like both are parties are just shilling for the same group, corporations.

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