
My retired dad picked up a job and is now complaining about his schedule to me… when it used to infuriate my parents that I’d complain. How should I react?

Without giving too many details, my dad retired and then felt “bored” or wanted to get out of the house. Which I get. My parents have constantly gotten frustrated with me for feeling like I'm missing out on life, tired, or overworked. My dad got scheduled for 6 days in a row, 8a-5p, doing a particular task he doesn't like, with only one day off. He's going to miss out on an event. He's frustrated. This has mostly been my working life for years. When I leave a job or complain, they freak out. It's been one of the biggest reasons we fight, because to my parents, my job is the most important part of my life or personality. 8-5 is a good day without senior leadership giving you a hard time for not staying late. I'm so tempted to clap back and say something like “welcome to the real…

Without giving too many details, my dad retired and then felt “bored” or wanted to get out of the house. Which I get. My parents have constantly gotten frustrated with me for feeling like I'm missing out on life, tired, or overworked.

My dad got scheduled for 6 days in a row, 8a-5p, doing a particular task he doesn't like, with only one day off. He's going to miss out on an event. He's frustrated.

This has mostly been my working life for years. When I leave a job or complain, they freak out. It's been one of the biggest reasons we fight, because to my parents, my job is the most important part of my life or personality. 8-5 is a good day without senior leadership giving you a hard time for not staying late.

I'm so tempted to clap back and say something like “welcome to the real world,” but I probably need to hold off on it. It's just so hard to try to explain to someone that you work long, hard, don't get to pick what you want to do or when you're in the office, and that's reality.

Kinda just a vent.

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