
My salary is too low to be get a full raise with my promotion

I’ve spent the last 2 years at an entry level position. The 1 year mark has historically been when promotions to a 2 position are given. I was promised that I would be getting a promotion, but since a merger was taking place but would be delayed a few months. Another year passed and I never got the promotion. Last month I applied for a senior position internally with another team, was given the interviews, and immediately was recommended for the promotion. Now HR is saying that they can give me the senior spot, but can only pay me a 2 salary because a starting senior salary is double what I currently make it “requires ceo approval”, even though if they hired someone new they would be required to pay a starting senior salary. I don’t make enough currently to get a full raise with my promotion. Do I quit…

I’ve spent the last 2 years at an entry level position. The 1 year mark has historically been when promotions to a 2 position are given. I was promised that I would be getting a promotion, but since a merger was taking place but would be delayed a few months. Another year passed and I never got the promotion. Last month I applied for a senior position internally with another team, was given the interviews, and immediately was recommended for the promotion. Now HR is saying that they can give me the senior spot, but can only pay me a 2 salary because a starting senior salary is double what I currently make it “requires ceo approval”, even though if they hired someone new they would be required to pay a starting senior salary.
I don’t make enough currently to get a full raise with my promotion.
Do I quit then reapply? I haven’t signed an offer yet.

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