
My store keeps upping our goals knowing that we are unlikely to reach them, that also means less bonus for workers.

I work in a small retail store that consists of 4 people. We have plenty of foot traffic somedays and it gets slow on others. We have a pre-made goal for the day that our store is supposed to reach. We used to make goal all time, getting us a good bonus and so on. Now they have tremendously upped our goals to clearly get rid of our bonus. For example, today's goal is $3435. That doesn't sound like a lot but last year on the same day, we only made $2592. They have literally given us a goal of $4000 on a Sunday, in which we only made $1500.

I work in a small retail store that consists of 4 people. We have plenty of foot traffic somedays and it gets slow on others. We have a pre-made goal for the day that our store is supposed to reach. We used to make goal all time, getting us a good bonus and so on. Now they have tremendously upped our goals to clearly get rid of our bonus. For example, today's goal is $3435. That doesn't sound like a lot but last year on the same day, we only made $2592. They have literally given us a goal of $4000 on a Sunday, in which we only made $1500.

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