
My Supervisor Accused Me of Not Actually Using the Restroom and Went into the Bathroom After Me

I am so flabbergasted that this actually happened. Not that it needs to be disclosed but my stomach has been really tore up today from dinner the previous night. So I’ve gone to the bathroom twice during my shift today. I did NOT have my phone on me. My phone was charging in plain view, on my desk. Not that it would matter either way. I come back from using the bathroom the second time and my supervisor pulls me aside and tells me that she wants to let me in on a little secret, that she can hear when the toilet flushes and she didn’t hear it. I get very embarrassed thinking I forgot to flush and ask if she wants me to go make sure I did and she says she’ll check herself and then goes into the bathroom to inspect the toilet. When she comes back, she…

I am so flabbergasted that this actually happened.

Not that it needs to be disclosed but my stomach has been really tore up today from dinner the previous night. So I’ve gone to the bathroom twice during my shift today. I did NOT have my phone on me. My phone was charging in plain view, on my desk. Not that it would matter either way.

I come back from using the bathroom the second time and my supervisor pulls me aside and tells me that she wants to let me in on a little secret, that she can hear when the toilet flushes and she didn’t hear it.

I get very embarrassed thinking I forgot to flush and ask if she wants me to go make sure I did and she says she’ll check herself and then goes into the bathroom to inspect the toilet.

When she comes back, she says there was nothing. Then she says a lot of the times when I go to the bathroom she doesn’t hear anything and the toilet seat is closed when she goes in behind me.

I’m just… gobsmacked and don’t know what to say. Why is she keeping track of that in the first place?

Do I tell HR? I don’t know what to do. I’m planning on leaving this job soon anyways but I feel so… violated?

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