
My work place is legit cursed!

Welp this year marks my 7th year with this company. I have only work for this company and I'm turning 25 years old in August. I work in a parks department for a giant city, when I first started out I worked in a recreational complex for softball/baseball & football. I did all the groundskeeping with my superior. This continued on till I was hired as a full time maintenance worker in 2018 at a different sports complex. My boss from 2018-2019 (jon doe) was a complete dick. I did all of the shit work he didn't want to do. He eventually quit and went back to school. End of 2019- early 2020 i took care of this place by myself. It was very rewarding but all of the older gentlemen told me to be careful and not get stuck there. They told me a story about the previous caretaker…

Welp this year marks my 7th year with this company. I have only work for this company and I'm turning 25 years old in August.

I work in a parks department for a giant city, when I first started out I worked in a recreational complex for softball/baseball & football. I did all the groundskeeping with my superior. This continued on till I was hired as a full time maintenance worker in 2018 at a different sports complex.

My boss from 2018-2019 (jon doe) was a complete dick. I did all of the shit work he didn't want to do. He eventually quit and went back to school.

End of 2019- early 2020 i took care of this place by myself. It was very rewarding but all of the older gentlemen told me to be careful and not get stuck there. They told me a story about the previous caretaker before (jon doe) that did great at first and then slowly got depression and started to drink heavily. After his first year in that position he started to drink on the job and was just a mean person to work with.
He shot himself within a 2 year mark of working in this park. (He survived the gun shot and quit soon after recovery)

Mid 2020:
I was chasing money since I just graduated college. Once the caretaker spot opened up I went for it. I knew at the time I was going up against another fellow co-worker in a different park (anne) . She was older and more experienced than me. Suprise…..she got the job over me… big deal.
We quickly became extremely close and open minded friends and even told each our deepest darkest secrets. We achieved many great deals together in the work place and even got recognition from our director.

Well shortly after her new role she became more irritable, drank more and started to do other substances. I knew her very well in her private life so I could understand her situation.

A week after our biggest event…..she shot herself (RIP).

It fucked me up alot and even my main boss was worried that the workplace had something to do with both attempted suicides. I wasn't for sure about it but told him it was more in private life stuff.

Well after (anne) past away I got her job as the main person at this work place. Its been 2 years almost and my mental health has plummeted. I'm on antidepressants and anxiety meds to hold me together. Each month feels worse and worse. I have expressed my feelings to my boss and I have gotten no where.

I have decided to quit and I got multiple job offers. Welp I had to talk to my boss about it and he talked me into staying due to the benefits.

I want to quit but I can't. I want to use my benefits to go back to college for free but my mental health is draining. I can't smoke weed here due to having a cdl license (which is required to work here even though we do not use it)

Federally legalize it already so I can feel good and not whack myself.

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