
My Work told me they could see what i was watching on Youtube. Is this.. allowed?

Let me explain a bit.. I work in Software in the UK (remote). I’ve been at 3 different US companies. The first 2, i had no issues with. My current one however.. I’m a bit weirded out. I usually watch a bit of YouTube for that background noise etc. Sometimes, i’ll maybe pay a bit more attention to it than I should.. (oh no, anyway..) Recently in work, I felt like I was going no where, things were grim, so i put a bit more time into watching some Hobby stuff. (warhammer..) I was mentally checking out, but still getting work done. HOWEVER. After airing my thoughts about the organisation of the team, my boss brought me on a call and said: “I had IT check your activity. You’ve been logging on late and logging off early (fair, I was), you’ve also been watching a lot of youtube” To which…

Let me explain a bit..

I work in Software in the UK (remote). I’ve been at 3 different US companies. The first 2, i had no issues with. My current one however.. I’m a bit weirded out.

I usually watch a bit of YouTube for that background noise etc. Sometimes, i’ll maybe pay a bit more attention to it than I should.. (oh no, anyway..)

Recently in work, I felt like I was going no where, things were grim, so i put a bit more time into watching some Hobby stuff. (warhammer..) I was mentally checking out, but still getting work done.

HOWEVER. After airing my thoughts about the organisation of the team, my boss brought me on a call and said:

“I had IT check your activity. You’ve been logging on late and logging off early (fair, I was), you’ve also been watching a lot of youtube”

To which i responded with, yeah. Fair enough. I shouldn’t be doing that that much.

THEN she started listing some of the things I was watching????? Like how i spent ages watching Warhammer videos, some guy called Penguin….. Why the fuck?

Is that allowed? I felt super weirded out about it. I knew they could track what you were doing on a company laptop but like.. Why would you bring that up.

It’s annoying because i moved past it and watch youtube on my own laptop or phone now.. But it’s made me crazy uncomfortable.

(i think i just need some moral support lol)

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