
Nazi offspring supervisor and a sexist supervisor all in one shift

I’m in training at a new gig. I had my new trainer (first meeting) tell me and show me pictures of his grandma and grandpa who fought in WWII for Germany. I even told him after he started babbling I was a German Jew descendant. Probably one of the first he’s met since were few. Then later in the training another supervisor approached me, but I don’t know her, and started ordering me around very rudely. I was cool and calm. And after the situation she interrupted us was resolved I told her the way she approached me was scary. I thought I messed up or there was an emergency. She said “ men shouldn’t be afraid of women”. My jaw dropped so hard she then complimented me on something very minute and just kept talking wasting more time. Obviously knowing she wrong. When she left the Nazi offspring supervisor…

I’m in training at a new gig. I had my new trainer (first meeting) tell me and show me pictures of his grandma and grandpa who fought in WWII for Germany. I even told him after he started babbling I was a German Jew descendant. Probably one of the first he’s met since were few.
Then later in the training another supervisor approached me, but I don’t know her, and started ordering me around very rudely. I was cool and calm. And after the situation she interrupted us was resolved I told her the way she approached me was scary. I thought I messed up or there was an emergency. She said “ men shouldn’t be afraid of women”. My jaw dropped so hard she then complimented me on something very minute and just kept talking wasting more time.
Obviously knowing she wrong.

When she left the Nazi offspring supervisor said don’t mind her she’from Poland she’s just like that. Then all I thought was how anti Semitic Poland is known to be. I’m still processing this and writing a letter to Human Resources. In this climate right now you’d think telling people your grandparents helped kill mine would be an obvious no. And the sexist comment. Yup. Women you got to deal with us men and other women making equity harder to achieve. I’m just upset and needed to vent.

I’m still new and training for a great Union job. But I’m not Union yet. But I called them and left a voicemail, maybe I can get some direction.

Anybody got any experience. I’ve been self employed and 1099 so long. But I’m very professional and remain calm despite inwardly cringing and pretty mad and sad.

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