
Nearly got fired for 5 days off

I mostly need advice and also feedback from more experienced adults… I'm 17 and this is my first full time job (it's going to be part time during the school year but the past 2ish months I've been full time.) It's been very rough adjusting to working full time but I do really want to try my best because my work is also an apprenticeship program. And I also need it to graduate highschool (long story). I ended up getting sick 4 fucking times during the first two months. I have a doctor's note for 2 of those days- the other 2 days I don't. The one day I took off that wasn't for sickness was for a doctor's appointment I've been waiting two years for (my mom wouldn't bring me, I moved out around 7 months ago). Yesterday the HR lady who is also the daughter of the owner…

I mostly need advice and also feedback from more experienced adults… I'm 17 and this is my first full time job (it's going to be part time during the school year but the past 2ish months I've been full time.)

It's been very rough adjusting to working full time but I do really want to try my best because my work is also an apprenticeship program. And I also need it to graduate highschool (long story).

I ended up getting sick 4 fucking times during the first two months. I have a doctor's note for 2 of those days- the other 2 days I don't. The one day I took off that wasn't for sickness was for a doctor's appointment I've been waiting two years for (my mom wouldn't bring me, I moved out around 7 months ago).

Yesterday the HR lady who is also the daughter of the owner of the company sent me an email saying she was going to email a bunch of people regarding my absences- and I could be fired.

For all of the days I took off I emailed in advance if I could (for 2 of the days, I was also sick the weekend beforehand. Epic 103 fever that lasted way too fucking long.)

I did mess up on the doctor's appointment- I told her a month in advance but I should've emailed her again and called in.

I've been so stressed out. I can't help being sick, but I can't really ever take a day off of work ever again for the rest of forever, basically. If they fire me, I get kicked out of the program. Fortunately the boss decided to not fire me but he did yell at me. I'm still anxious over it and it's been hours.

I don't know if this is normal? They also only give 6 days a year paid vacation and that's for EVERYONE. Like even the vice president and the big managers only get 6 days a year paid off. I may not know much about work, but I feel like this is pretty bad?
For context it's in America.

I'm partly convinced that I'm just lazy and bad at working and I need to step up, but another part of me feels like the company I'm with isn't really… The best one for me? Not in the way that I wish I could take more days off (while that is true, I do want to be at work, and it was upsetting being accused of taking days off to slack), but in the way that I really don't like my boss verbally abusing his employees. I've also heard from employees in the company that they underpay for the field. The boss is a stinkin rich white man who loves golf and just bought a new boat, but won't buy a new trailer (too small AND roach infested.)

Is this just going to be adult life?? How can I live and also not feel stressed all the time with the threat of proving myself good enough in the field? I'm also working in a male-dominated field, so I feel like there's extra pressure to perform the extra mile. I can't be scared of anything and I have to work twice as hard because I'm not as physically strong.
Any advice would be appreciated :')

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