
Need advice on a workplace situation

I work in a call center for a residential services company. I am a customer service rep that handles incoming sales leads and service requests through websites. I'm also one of two employees that work from home on the weekends. I've been working weekend for two months now and have the routine down pat. My work partner (Kennedy) was hired at the same time that I started this new schedule but has been doing the regular M-F hours up until two weeks ago. Then, she joined me on the weekends. For context, she and I were let off early yesterday so we could join the rest of the company at the annual barbeque. Today we had a shit ton of leads and messages to get caught up on and we got started right away. Some time later this morning one of the tradesmen (Mike) posted a few pictures of his…

I work in a call center for a residential services company. I am a customer service rep that handles incoming sales leads and service requests through websites. I'm also one of two employees that work from home on the weekends. I've been working weekend for two months now and have the routine down pat. My work partner (Kennedy) was hired at the same time that I started this new schedule but has been doing the regular M-F hours up until two weeks ago. Then, she joined me on the weekends.

For context, she and I were let off early yesterday so we could join the rest of the company at the annual barbeque. Today we had a shit ton of leads and messages to get caught up on and we got started right away. Some time later this morning one of the tradesmen (Mike) posted a few pictures of his boat in our group chat, inviting people to join him on the water. Kennedy jokingly said she would pack up her work laptop and I replied too asking him if he had wifi on board. She and I keep going about our business though and call each other a couple times just to check in. After I take a break, I write up a check in list of what still needs to be tackled and note that the websites she's in charge of still have quite a few leads untouched. I don't think much of it and keep plugging away at my work. Eventually, Kennedy takes her lunch break and then I take mine right after hers. I type up another check in and notice that that there's even more that she hasn't gotten to, so I text my boss to let him know what's up. A few minutes later, my boss calls me. “Hey, thanks for letting me know about the leads situation. I just got a text from Mike saying that Kennedy's with him on his boat and her work laptop died. I'm not sure where they are or how far they are from shore but I assume she'll be gone for the rest of the day.” I'm speechless. You can probably imagine all of the emotions I was having in the moment. I awkwardly laugh and tell him I'll do my best to get Kennedy's work caught up. I can't remember what else my boss said but we hang up and I go back to work.

Even before Kennedy joined me on the weekends, the rest of our department was worried about the amount of progress she was making. They had concerns about her productivity and her making mistakes. Her first weekend on was mediocre and she had a lot to improve on. Saturday morning alone felt like I was babysitting her because I had to walk her step-by-step on how to do basic things like adding another email to her account. Common sense things. But today, I completely lost all faith in Kennedy. She's a few years older than me and even has a young child (I think maybe more than 1). I can't understand what her thought process was behind getting on that boat with Mike. And him allowing her, knowing full well that she was on the clock.

I didn't catch everything up to speed by the time I clocked out, but it was some progress. As I was eating dinner, I got a text message from her. It was something along the lines of gushing and apologizing, 'I let you down big time, I'll make it up to you, it was an accident'. Then she venmo'd me sixty bucks. I felt bribed. Disappointed, betrayed, angry, baffled. I couldn't believe she thought she could offer me some hush money to gain my trust again. I screenshotted her message and sent it to my boss, telling him how uncomfortable it made me feel. He assured me that he'd talk to her tomorrow and also wanted to sit down with me too.

I'm still at a loss for words on this entire situation. I cannot understand her thought process behind going out for a fun field trip while still on the clock. Did she take her kid with her? How was she able to call customers? None of it makes sense to me. And to think that she's still in her probation period at work. To be honest, I'm kind of hoping that she gets fired. I don't know how I'd be able to work with her after this. I'm contemplating talking to HR too. I need advice.

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