
need advice! Work served raw chicken and I got a cold and everyone else did too. now boss is trying to guilt trip me for not being able to come in.

So a basic rundown, im 19 years old. i’ve worked food service a lot blah blah blah. i work at an assisted living center, sweet little precious elderly folks get like all their SSI stolen so they can live there. I’m there to serve the food that the cook gives me, so i basically hand out all the meals and make sure everyone is accounted for. sically the management for my job is so terrible, we were desperately trying to get another cook since there was about 3 cooks cooking all throughout the week and someone would take a lot of the brunt of the work at times, well they hired some sketchy convict dude and he served us raw chicken, i ate half of it before realizing(i’m stupid i know, BUT I AM NOT A CHEF. I SERVE FOOD WITH GLOVES AND CLEAN HANDS. WAS NOT TRAINED IN ANY…

So a basic rundown, im 19 years old. i’ve worked food service a lot blah blah blah. i work at an assisted living center, sweet little precious elderly folks get like all their SSI stolen so they can live there. I’m there to serve the food that the cook gives me, so i basically hand out all the meals and make sure everyone is accounted for. sically the management for my job is so terrible, we were desperately trying to get another cook since there was about 3 cooks cooking all throughout the week and someone would take a lot of the brunt of the work at times, well they hired some sketchy convict dude and he served us raw chicken, i ate half of it before realizing(i’m stupid i know, BUT I AM NOT A CHEF. I SERVE FOOD WITH GLOVES AND CLEAN HANDS. WAS NOT TRAINED IN ANY WAY WHATSOERVER. I WAS NOT TOLD TO TAKE TEMPS ALRHOUGH I PROBSBLY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT IM DUMB .) also, I’m pretty sure I heard some of the floor aids say that when a person is dying they don’t do CPR until the ambulance arrives so that there’s a higher chance of dying and they don’t have to take care of their shit and do extra work. Well, I told my boss I wasn’t going to be coming in on Monday. And I probably wasn’t going to be coming in for the rest of the week. Because to be honest with you, I’m completely burnt out, I had worked a double last week and i’m so fucking sick. my ex boss literally made me come in when i was sick. i’m usually okay with helping a bit especially when it’s needed but i’m not comfortable coming in sick for food service. i used a mask. my boss had immediately hit me with the, “ should I be expecting you to be quitting as well? because x and x just left” and then she said that she had something nice planned for me for all my hard work 🤣 like I don’t know what to do should I find a new job? Someone please tell me what they think.🫂 TLDR is some dude served us raw chicken at my toxic work environment and my boss kinda tried to guilt trip me for being sick and i need to know if i should quit my job

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