
Need your opinion!

Ok here's the back story.. I applied for a job online (my current position at a different company, non-management role) and got an initial phone interview with the companies recruiter, lets call him Bob. Consider him the “middle man” between me and the hiring team. The phone interview with Bob went well and he asked me to have a virtual interview with HR and the direct manager for the position a few days later (2nd interview) and to complete a short personality index assessment. Bob calls me a few hours after the 2nd interview and says good job, it went really well and the Senior Manager wanted to meet me the following day (yay)! I met with the Senior Manager (3rd interview) and heard from Bob the following day that again, it went really well and that another manager wanted to meet me virtually (4th interview), this one went well…

Ok here's the back story..

I applied for a job online (my current position at a different company, non-management role) and got an initial phone interview with the companies recruiter, lets call him Bob. Consider him the “middle man” between me and the hiring team.

The phone interview with Bob went well and he asked me to have a virtual interview with HR and the direct manager for the position a few days later (2nd interview) and to complete a short personality index assessment.

Bob calls me a few hours after the 2nd interview and says good job, it went really well and the Senior Manager wanted to meet me the following day (yay)!

I met with the Senior Manager (3rd interview) and heard from Bob the following day that again, it went really well and that another manager wanted to meet me virtually (4th interview), this one went well too.

During this time I was asked to complete a caliper assessment (an in-depth personality test) for “development and training purposes” if I got the job.

I completed the test (took well over an hour) and waited. The following day Bob sent me the assessment results with the Senior Manager, direct manager and HR specialist cc'd in the email.

The Senior Manager did not realize I was included in the email and said something along the lines of wanting a more in depth assessment for me and the other applicant, to compare us to the direct managers assessment. It was also mentioned I scored much lower in a few areas (urgency being the main one) compared to the other candidate.. and that it was critical the team understand these results as soon as possible… obviously I shouldn't have seen this.

My question.. is this a red flag from the company? I don't understand why they are relying on an assessment at this point in the interview process. I have excellent references (previous managers) that have not been contacted and I made it through 4 rounds of interviews with excellent feedback. It seems like this “assessment” is the only thing they are using to determine which candidate they will present an offer to.

Thoughts on this process and/or the Caliper tests in general?

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