
nervous as fuck for my job placement evaluation.

ok so i am nervous as fuck for my job placement evaluation because I don't like conflict. what's the conflict you may ask? well the conflict for me, is the fear of being too slow for my employer and getting fired for slow job performance. i have ADHD, and im scared my upcoming employer will fire me for being slow, ive heard other stories here on reddit with people with intellectual struggles getting fired for performance issues, and i don't wanna be one of them… what do i do to not be nervous for my job placement evaluation?

ok so i am nervous as fuck for my job placement evaluation because I don't like conflict. what's the conflict you may ask? well the conflict for me, is the fear of being too slow for my employer and getting fired for slow job performance. i have ADHD, and im scared my upcoming employer will fire me for being slow, ive heard other stories here on reddit with people with intellectual struggles getting fired for performance issues, and i don't wanna be one of them…

what do i do to not be nervous for my job placement evaluation?

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