
Never believed in me

First, I’m a longtime reader first OP. I’ve been working for my current company for over 8 years. I’ve worked under different sales programs (more than most managers). I was one of our top sales reps for our client. I’ve tried many times to gain a promotion, whether it was from an open position in my district or another location in the company. I always received praised on how well I interviewed or my knowledge, but never received an offer. One time, I interviewed for a position and on my 5th interview, the manager stated maybe my resume format is holding me back. I reworked my resume in tears because it was another let down and another excuse. I was putting more into a relationship than I was getting out. I usually hate when people pull the race card because I believe it water’s down “real” racial events. But there…

First, I’m a longtime reader first OP. I’ve been working for my current company for over 8 years. I’ve worked under different sales programs (more than most managers). I was one of our top sales reps for our client. I’ve tried many times to gain a promotion, whether it was from an open position in my district or another location in the company. I always received praised on how well I interviewed or my knowledge, but never received an offer. One time, I interviewed for a position and on my 5th interview, the manager stated maybe my resume format is holding me back. I reworked my resume in tears because it was another let down and another excuse. I was putting more into a relationship than I was getting out.

I usually hate when people pull the race card because I believe it water’s down “real” racial events. But there wasn’t any representation in management in my district, in the region top end, or company executives. I out performed other sales reps and they got “senior” titles because they had been at the company longer than I have, then it’s been occasions where people come in the company with a Senior title. I had a conversation with our Regional VP and even he stated the company hasn’t done a good job in what determines a senior title. I had an interview for a sales manager role that I excelled at as an account manager, I wasn’t given praise on how well my thought process was and what ideas I had to reach our target. Even the current manager called me and said I set the bar, and I still wasn’t chosen.

Well today, I put in my 2 weeks notice because I got an offer for 40K more in base salary and 50k more in commissions. Should I still feel bitter about my years with my current company, even though I got this awesome opportunity?

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