
New boss got mad that I requested four days off

I (19f) had just left a manager position due to the fact that I couldn’t get a ride to work anymore and the staff treated me with little to no respect, so I put in applications to various different places and the first and only place to reach out was a high end restaurant where I would be a server. I have never been a server before, but I’ve bussed tables at a similar place so I was excited to learn something new. Right after my interview, I realized I forgot to tell my new boss that I needed that Saturday and Sunday off, as well as the 12th of July for a doctors appointment. My mom was driving and pulled back up to the restaurant and yelled out of her window that I needed that Friday and Saturday off, which was fine. On my first day, I talked to…

I (19f) had just left a manager position due to the fact that I couldn’t get a ride to work anymore and the staff treated me with little to no respect, so I put in applications to various different places and the first and only place to reach out was a high end restaurant where I would be a server. I have never been a server before, but I’ve bussed tables at a similar place so I was excited to learn something new.

Right after my interview, I realized I forgot to tell my new boss that I needed that Saturday and Sunday off, as well as the 12th of July for a doctors appointment. My mom was driving and pulled back up to the restaurant and yelled out of her window that I needed that Friday and Saturday off, which was fine. On my first day, I talked to a couple of the managers about needing the 12th off and most of them were okay with it except for the owner, who kind of just waved me off.

Yesterday, I found out my friend of ten years is having her graduation party on the 22nd, and we also had a work meeting so I figured I’d tell them then. During the meeting we were told to put down our availability, so I put “Any day and time except the 12th and 22nd.”

After the meeting, the owner called me over and started to rag on me about sprouting all of these days on him after my interview. I tried to explain myself, but he wouldn’t hear me out, then even called me the wrong name after I had told him who I was four times at that point. I have only worked there officially for one day, because the other days I was supposed to come in they had to shut down early due to not making enough money to stay open. All of the other employees always trash talk the place, and one of my coworkers quit during the meeting. All I’m seeing with this place are red flags, but nobody else has gotten back to me yet so I’m kind of stuck here. I don’t know if this type of behavior is normal, but it feels like it isn’t and I wanted some other opinions

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