
New boss got on me for packing up 5 minutes before the EOD

For reference I’m 30, in my first job in a new field (but have been working for 11ish years). My boss/owner of the company is younger than me, and was handed this company by her mom. Our work hours are 9-5, I have been getting there at 8:55, all I do is put my lunch in the fridge (it maybe takes a minute). I completed a task at 4:55 and didn’t see the need to pretend to work for 5 minutes. There wasn’t a single task for 5 minutes I could complete. I don’t like starting something I’m not going to finish or make a decent headway on at the end of the day. I have ADHD, it just doesn’t work for me. Everyone else but the boss, the other new guy & me had gone for the day. Some work different hours, one left early to take a client…

For reference I’m 30, in my first job in a new field (but have been working for 11ish years). My boss/owner of the company is younger than me, and was handed this company by her mom.

Our work hours are 9-5, I have been getting there at 8:55, all I do is put my lunch in the fridge (it maybe takes a minute).

I completed a task at 4:55 and didn’t see the need to pretend to work for 5 minutes. There wasn’t a single task for 5 minutes I could complete. I don’t like starting something I’m not going to finish or make a decent headway on at the end of the day. I have ADHD, it just doesn’t work for me. Everyone else but the boss, the other new guy & me had gone for the day. Some work different hours, one left early to take a client to their hotel & then went home for the day.

My boss comes out at 4:56 and says “oh you are packing up 5 minutes early?”

I told her I got to a good stopping point & came in 5 minutes early so I put my time in.

She then goes on and says “well ____ can leave early bc they have been taking the client back & forth to the hotel.” (It’s 2 minutes away and that means she can leave 45 minutes early? Client was done for the day),

I said “well ok” wrote my self a list of things to do tomorrow and left 2 minutes early.

Is this bull? Should I have pretended to work? It just rubbed me the wrong way & put a bad taste in my mouth.

I wasn’t given a formal training or a handbook with rules. I’m happy to stay 9-5 but 5 mins early seems nuts.

To my knowledge she hasn’t noticed that the new guy is 5-10 mins late every day.

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