
New boss is upset I’m resigning and relocating to a new state. She is requesting I write a manual on every step I take to do my job in 2 days. How do I professionally tell her no ?

I’ve been at this new company for 4 months. I needed the job in a pinch but the company is stuck in the dark ages and severely underpays everyone. The workload is heavy and they earned over 2 billion is profits last year (shocker) still refuses to address the issues. I recently graduated and applied to grad school out of state. While waiting for admissions I got an amazing job offer I couldn’t pass on. I accepted immediately. I submitted a formal resignation letting my boss know this is final. She has since then requested a meeting everyday to change my mind or give her more information about where I’m going, the new pay rate, and how to do my job. She cannot loose me but cannot match or beat the new offer. Ultimately, her last team walked out on her and I know of 3 people headed out after…

I’ve been at this new company for 4 months. I needed the job in a pinch but the company is stuck in the dark ages and severely underpays everyone. The workload is heavy and they earned over 2 billion is profits last year (shocker) still refuses to address the issues.

I recently graduated and applied to grad school out of state. While waiting for admissions I got an amazing job offer I couldn’t pass on. I accepted immediately.

I submitted a formal resignation letting my boss know this is final. She has since then requested a meeting everyday to change my mind or give her more information about where I’m going, the new pay rate, and how to do my job. She cannot loose me but cannot match or beat the new offer. Ultimately, her last team walked out on her and I know of 3 people headed out after me.

We are down to the last 11 days on-site and I refused to give her any information on my new location or anything relating to my new job. Now she insists I give her a manual of how to create our internal booklets that cover all things HR from benefits, upcoming events, mental health, employee recognition etc.

I cannot begin to explain how I create this, edit it or the technical aspects required in just 2 days; her given deadline. I use 4 editing softwares to achieve this as well as create an online version in English and Spanish.

After requesting more a more flexible and realistic deadline, offering a remote contract to stay part time until a replacement can qualify into the position, or offering a freelancing rate position, How do I explain professionally that I cannot write a manual about how to use an application on a technical level? I went to school to learn how to create interactive programs and demos. She is not accounting that this is not an easy learned skilled.

I’m out of time as I wrap up a beta testing program I built for our huge company. The testing alone will need the remaining week to hand off to IT to implement and go live. If she can’t compromise, I don’t know what else I can do.

Is there anything I can say that will get through to her?

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