
New employer rant

TLDR: new employer lied about hybrid position, director of the program doesn’t work in office when in rains, still have not been given any work tasks and supervisor doesn’t even know if I show up in office because he doesn’t take the 3min to physically see if I’m at my desk. I’ve been unemployed for 6 months and searching for a job/company that fits what I want my work/life balance to be along with personal beliefs. I found a company that’s in public assistance and overall what I want to be working in. One of my requirements I was looking for is remote/hybrid roles only. Throughout the hiring process with this company (3 interviews over the course of 2 months) I was assured this was a hybrid role and I’d be WFH at least 2 days a week. I was offered the position, confirmed it was hybrid, and accepted it.…

TLDR: new employer lied about hybrid position, director of the program doesn’t work in office when in rains, still have not been given any work tasks and supervisor doesn’t even know if I show up in office because he doesn’t take the 3min to physically see if I’m at my desk.

I’ve been unemployed for 6 months and searching for a job/company that fits what I want my work/life balance to be along with personal beliefs. I found a company that’s in public assistance and overall what I want to be working in.

One of my requirements I was looking for is remote/hybrid roles only. Throughout the hiring process with this company (3 interviews over the course of 2 months) I was assured this was a hybrid role and I’d be WFH at least 2 days a week. I was offered the position, confirmed it was hybrid, and accepted it. I started last week and asked them what days were WFH and my supervisor said I was mistaken and that this was a fully in person role and not hybrid. I brought up that when I was offered the position and throughout the hiring process, I was assured it would be hybrid and the guy basically said, “well… things change.”

I was supposed to meet with the program director to clarify this last Wednesday but low and behold the director decided to WFH due to the extreme weather, he still hasn’t come into the office due to the weather (light rain). Supposedly tomorrow he will be in and if not, I’m just going to send him an email that states something along the lines of, “I was assured this was a hybrid role, I accepted terms of employment based on that. If that has indeed changed, I need to think and reconsider my acceptance. It’s unfortunate that we’ve gone through with this hiring process on false statements of this being a hybrid role as this was a non-negotiable for me” and see what he says lol

On top of this, I started Tuesday and my supervisor checked in on me once that day, never gave me anything to start on or a guideline of where to begin on projects, I don’t have any access to the programs I need and brought that up to him without a proper response. On Wednesday I showed up at my start time and just sat at my desk, 2 hours in I get a Teams message from my supervisor asking me if I got into our secured building okay. His office is 500feet away, sir. Get up and do a 3min walk around of your department. Aside from this, I still don’t have any work assigned to me and have just been showing up to a mostly empty office to watch Netflix on my phone. My supervisor doesn’t even come by my desk and I’m truly wondering what he thinks I’ve been working on since I don’t have anything to do but show up.

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