
New hire making more as an assistant than I am as a manager, raise gets denied

Long story short, I found out this week (unbeknownst to my bosses) that a newly-hired assistant at my current job is making a dollar more an hour than I am. Am I in the wrong for feeling snubbed at this disparity? I’m one of the department heads and between myself and the other departments, am the largest revenue driver for the company. We’re on track to double our income from last year, both years being under my watch. My team is small, but we bring results. Went to talk to them today about a cost of living adjustment, knowing what I know about pay scale, and they told me to wait until the year is up and our next busy season is over. To that I say, kiss my underpaid ass. I’ve been at the company for over two years, this person was hired a month ago. Clearly they never…

Long story short, I found out this week (unbeknownst to my bosses) that a newly-hired assistant at my current job is making a dollar more an hour than I am. Am I in the wrong for feeling snubbed at this disparity? I’m one of the department heads and between myself and the other departments, am the largest revenue driver for the company. We’re on track to double our income from last year, both years being under my watch. My team is small, but we bring results.

Went to talk to them today about a cost of living adjustment, knowing what I know about pay scale, and they told me to wait until the year is up and our next busy season is over. To that I say, kiss my underpaid ass. I’ve been at the company for over two years, this person was hired a month ago. Clearly they never intended for me to find out.

Fuck this place, and fuck a workplace that hires new people without adjusting long-term workers’ pay.

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