
New job and my manager

I got a new job and it’s my 2nd day but I’ve come down sick, so I was anxious af about calling off and it took me 20 mins of debating if I was actually sick enough (I am) to call off, but when I did my manager was actually really supportive and told me not to feel bad, and that being sick isn’t your choice and we can’t control being sick iand go take off some days until I’m better, there was no sense of hostility or anger, my last job I would of been guilt tripped for 10 mins on the phone then whenever I was back . Thank you for being a good human

I got a new job and it’s my 2nd day but I’ve come down sick, so I was anxious af about calling off and it took me 20 mins of debating if I was actually sick enough (I am) to call off, but when I did my manager was actually really supportive and told me not to feel bad, and that being sick isn’t your choice and we can’t control being sick iand go take off some days until I’m better, there was no sense of hostility or anger, my last job I would of been guilt tripped for 10 mins on the phone then whenever I was back . Thank you for being a good human

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