Started a new sales job earlier this year. ( not really want to talk about what we sell but it is a corporation) anyways they made it very clear they don’t advertise so to increase sales and eyes on the product they recommend that we post on Facebook Marketplace using out own personal Facebook profile. I am an aggressive sales person so I post frequently. Anyway they tell me that I am required by law to mention the company code in the post (every company and location has a code kinda like a store #). I am refusing simply because it is my own personal Facebook and you don’t get to tell me what say or not say. It doesn’t affect sales so I don’t care to post the store number. We have a meeting the other day and the upper management says “remember by law you have to mention the store code” i ofcoarse voice my opinion and say “its NOT the law and you can’t tell me what to post”. Mind you they dont monitor anything I post. They don’t care what photos I use or what price I advertise etc. I don’t feel this is right and I think it’s just a way for them to control me.