
It’s actually astonishing.

As the title says it completely bewilders me how many companies and bosses out there say “no one wants to work” , “these LiBeRaLs have no idea what hard work is”, and “I can't find any good help”… but pay a completely garbage wage. To boot.. the amount of job descriptions that tag on something along the lines of This is not a comprehensive list of duties or and any other tasks delegated by management onto the end of the job decriptions. Firstly, in my area.. anything under 15 an hour might as well be minimum wage. And secondly, tagging those lines onto your applications just tells me you want a slave who can't argue what is and isn't their job. I'm so fed up with living in the USA.

As the title says it completely bewilders me how many companies and bosses out there say “no one wants to work” , “these LiBeRaLs have no idea what hard work is”, and “I can't find any good help”… but pay a completely garbage wage. To boot.. the amount of job descriptions that tag on something along the lines of This is not a comprehensive list of duties or and any other tasks delegated by management onto the end of the job decriptions. Firstly, in my area.. anything under 15 an hour might as well be minimum wage. And secondly, tagging those lines onto your applications just tells me you want a slave who can't argue what is and isn't their job. I'm so fed up with living in the USA.

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