
New job won’t let me start work without Steel Toed Boots even though I don’t work in the warehouse, or lose my job. Homeless.

I had a bit of bad luck recently that put me in a position where I'm currently living out of my car until I get settled in. Which itself has been very hard to do without an income. I finally got hired for a data-entry logistic job for a warehouse that stores product for various grocery stores. My job is to put together schedules, check reports, do some data entry, and make sure that all trucks report in at the front desk before unloading. The company already knows about by unsheltered situation, and through the the entire hiring and post-hiring process we all had an understanding for my responsibilities. The job pays every week. However, today I was send home because I didn't have Steel toed boots which have been demanded of me in order to work, or I'll be taken off the work schedule and lose my job. This…

I had a bit of bad luck recently that put me in a position where I'm currently living out of my car until I get settled in. Which itself has been very hard to do without an income. I finally got hired for a data-entry logistic job for a warehouse that stores product for various grocery stores. My job is to put together schedules, check reports, do some data entry, and make sure that all trucks report in at the front desk before unloading.

The company already knows about by unsheltered situation, and through the the entire hiring and post-hiring process we all had an understanding for my responsibilities. The job pays every week.

However, today I was send home because I didn't have Steel toed boots which have been demanded of me in order to work, or I'll be taken off the work schedule and lose my job. This is despite not even working in the warehouse were it would make sense that such shoes would be required. I've talked with a few people and it seems the company will not budge on this issue or help with the shoes, including no vouchers or anything.

This is despite all the assurances given to me, and the whole reason why I took a position not in the warehouse, because I do not have the money to spend on anything else. I need this job as well since I need to be able to change my living situation and the car needs gas which is also why my options are limited (no public transportation.), not to mention groceries which I had to skip dinner yesterday so I can drag out what I have.

There aren't any walmarts, targets, or cheap stores here (nearby) to buy Steel toed boots from, and yes they require boots specifically. The only store that has them is Kohls, which has store branded Steel toed boots for $59, however I am homeless living in my car, I don't have the money to pay for this and the whole agreement when I accepted the job in the first place was that they knew I was poor, I'm not even in the warehouse, there's nothing but carpet where I am for the most part. How can I get a job to pull myself up as they say, if I'm being charged to start the job?

I have to get the steel toed boots by tomorrow, and Kohls is the only place nearby I can get to with the limited cash given I have. Since I'm living out of my car, I'll need whatever available gas I can until the first payday. I'm not really sure what to do here because I'll lose my job if i can't get the shoes by tomorrows shift. Anyone know of a way to get these shoes or can help with the $59?

Sorry for the lengthy post.

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