
New Proposition for US

Jury Duty for Billionaires. But not like regular jury duty. Every 4 years, we pick a Billionaire to be president. Any executuve order they pass and any bills they haven't vetoed comes out of their own personal bank account. Then in 4 years, pick the next one. LOL! Geezzzuuusss, something needs to happen. Idk, seems like a fun idea! Tired of all this useless spending with no limits to these so called “budgets” when taxpayer funds could actually, idk… be put back into the communities that are paying for them. Just a thought.

Jury Duty for Billionaires. But not like regular jury duty.

Every 4 years, we pick a Billionaire to be president. Any executuve order they pass and any bills they haven't vetoed comes out of their own personal bank account.

Then in 4 years, pick the next one. LOL!

Geezzzuuusss, something needs to happen. Idk, seems like a fun idea! Tired of all this useless spending with no limits to these so called “budgets” when taxpayer funds could actually, idk… be put back into the communities that are paying for them. Just a thought.

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