
New wfh job has a bathroom break app

You get in a virtual line with several other people just to spurt a squirt or drop a deuce. I expected something like this but I’m still (pun intended) pissed off. If things work out well, I won’t be at this job for a month. If you are in one of the southern states, DO NOT work for OneSupport. They install a bunch of bullshit technology on your computer, the pay is mid if you live in one of the poorer states and low everywhere else, and everybody has Stockholm Syndrome and is just satisfied that they can wfh while settling for shitty conditions. I don’t even care if someone from the company sees this post, they know I’m right. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

You get in a virtual line with several other people just to spurt a squirt or drop a deuce. I expected something like this but I’m still (pun intended) pissed off.

If things work out well, I won’t be at this job for a month. If you are in one of the southern states, DO NOT work for OneSupport. They install a bunch of bullshit technology on your computer, the pay is mid if you live in one of the poorer states and low everywhere else, and everybody has Stockholm Syndrome and is just satisfied that they can wfh while settling for shitty conditions. I don’t even care if someone from the company sees this post, they know I’m right.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

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