
New work policy has me mad

So I’m full time at my job. I work 4 days a week doing 7.5hr shifts for 30hrs which is the minimum for benefits. This is not my only job which is why I wanted to only do 4 days a week instead of 5 also this job is in customer service so 5 days a week would honestly be too much for me. Right now my expenses are low enough to be able to do this. My boss just sent out a message in the group chat saying that the company is now requiring us to all clock out for our mandated 30min breaks which means I now will have to either stay 30mins later which interferes with my other job or come in 30mins earlier which I don’t love because I’m not a morning person. I’m pissed about this because now I have to be at work for…

So I’m full time at my job. I work 4 days a week doing 7.5hr shifts for 30hrs which is the minimum for benefits. This is not my only job which is why I wanted to only do 4 days a week instead of 5 also this job is in customer service so 5 days a week would honestly be too much for me. Right now my expenses are low enough to be able to do this.

My boss just sent out a message in the group chat saying that the company is now requiring us to all clock out for our mandated 30min breaks which means I now will have to either stay 30mins later which interferes with my other job or come in 30mins earlier which I don’t love because I’m not a morning person.

I’m pissed about this because now I have to be at work for 8hrs and only get paid for 7.5 just to meet my full time requirements. The way my job is structured we get breaks away from guests so I have never felt the need or desire to take a 30min break. If I can eat a snack in between when I need to be doing the job responsibilities why would would I clock out?

I quite literally don’t get paid enough for this bs. Legally I am allowed to refuse a 30min break if my employer agrees to it but now my employer (the company not my boss) isn’t agreeing to it. I have been able to not take my 30 min break for years but now suddenly they aren’t allowing it. Effectively my hours are being cut unless I commit more time during the day to work which sucks and no pay raise. This is making me consider looking for a new job.

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