
Night Owls vs Morning People

Does anyone else get extremely frustrated with the concept that night owls aren't productive or are lazy? I'm a freelance video game Environment artist and I've ALWAYS been a night owl. I naturally fall asleep around 1-2am and naturally wake up between 9-10am. I'm extremely lucky to work freelance where I can pick my own schedule yet I feel constantly pressured by society as well as my husbands earlier work schedule to get up and get to work at earlier times and feel “lazy” if I don't start working before 10am-11am. Before I worked freelance I was absolutely miserable at my office job when it came to work hours. We would need to be at work 8-5 and I spent a good majority of that job battling insomnia during the week then completely crashing and sleeping 10-12+ hours on the weekend since falling asleep before midnight was near impossible for…

Does anyone else get extremely frustrated with the concept that night owls aren't productive or are lazy? I'm a freelance video game Environment artist and I've ALWAYS been a night owl. I naturally fall asleep around 1-2am and naturally wake up between 9-10am. I'm extremely lucky to work freelance where I can pick my own schedule yet I feel constantly pressured by society as well as my husbands earlier work schedule to get up and get to work at earlier times and feel “lazy” if I don't start working before 10am-11am.
Before I worked freelance I was absolutely miserable at my office job when it came to work hours. We would need to be at work 8-5 and I spent a good majority of that job battling insomnia during the week then completely crashing and sleeping 10-12+ hours on the weekend since falling asleep before midnight was near impossible for me. I tried every thing from exercise, meditation, sleepy tea, turning off electronics 2 hours early, etc. I even discussed this battle with my doctors and they suggested going on daily sleeping pills because I just simply could not turn my brain off. When I would get to work I'd be completely useless until around noon, I'd drink 2-3 cups of coffee and get tasks done so slow I might as well have not been at work. Now that I've been doing freelance for the past couple years and picking my own work schedule I feel SO much better when it comes to my natural circadian rhythm. I'm much more productive and more creative. Obviously there is the occasional 9am meeting which really isn't a big deal to do every once and awhile. I wonder what the world would be like if more employers let employees work a flexible schedule like this.

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